Lovely War: Review

Posted May 22, 2020 by Christine in 5/5, MMD2020, review / 1 Comment /


Lovely War: Review

Lovely War: Review
Lovely War Published by Viking by Julie Berry
on March 1, 2020
Genres: Fiction, Historical, Romance, YA, Fantasy
Pages: 468
Source: Purchased
Format: Paperback
Find the Author: Website, Blog, Goodreads
Find the Book: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

ISBN: 1984836234

Flame Rating:one-flame
Rating:5 Stars

Read the novel New York Times bestselling author of The Alice Network Kate Quinn called "easily one of the best novels I have read all year!" A critically acclaimed, multi-layered romance set in the perilous days of World Wars I and II, where gods hold the fates--and the hearts--of four mortals in their hands.
They are Hazel, James, Aubrey, and Colette. A classical pianist from London, a British would-be architect-turned-soldier, a Harlem-born ragtime genius in the U.S. Army, and a Belgian orphan with a gorgeous voice and a devastating past. Their story, as told by goddess Aphrodite, who must spin the tale or face judgment on Mount Olympus, is filled with hope and heartbreak, prejudice and passion, and reveals that, though War is a formidable force, it's no match for the transcendent power of Love.
Hailed by critics, Lovely War has received seven starred reviews and is an indie bestseller. Author Julie Berry has been called "a modern master of historical fiction" by Bookpage and "a celestially inspired storyteller" by the New York Times, and Lovely War is truly her masterwork.


Lovely War was a pick for the Modern Mrs. Darcy book club and I have to be honest–I’d never heard of it before.

So, in picking it up I had no idea that it revolved around Greek gods and goddesses.

If that sounds at all odd to you–a historical fiction set during both world wars–centered around mythological characters–then let me reassure you that Julie Berry made. it. work.

There was no part of this plot that felt off to me. I LOVE the concept of our world being intertwined with those of fictional gods and goddesses.

And there was still so much of the story given of the four main characters.

More than anything, this was a love story.



Okay, so first and foremost, Aphrodite was such a cleverly done character… Make no qualms, she ran the show here and she just whet my appetite for more!

But, I’d be remiss if I didn’t speak to the amazingness of those she told stories of; Aubrey and Colette… and James and Hazel. These characters all intermingle but have such profound love stories all on their own.

They were such amazing characters, that I can’t help but wish there was a sequel…



The writing pretty much blew me away. I have never read anything quite like this.

I was so involved, emotionally, with these characters that I can’t help but attribute that to the amazing talent of Julie Berry.



Honestly, for as long of a book as it is–over 450 pages–I feel like I just breezed right through it.

The story was alternating perspectives and timelines and it kept it interesting, and me hooked.



The cover is really what made me convinced I had to read it. And then after reading the book, the cover has even more meaning.


Flame Rating

The love scenes were very closed-door in this one. Expect some kissing and sweet-talking… but nothing that would make your grandma blush.


Rating Breakdown
5 Stars
5 Stars
5 Stars
5 Stars
Overall: 5 Stars





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