#FitReaders August 2020

Posted August 1, 2020 by Christine in #FitReaders / 0 Comments /


#FitReaders August 2020

Fit Readers is a group/challenge run by Felicia @ Geeky Bloggers Book Blog and Jen @ That’s What I’m Talking About, designed to support and encourage each other on our health and fitness goals. This is the first time I’ve decided to join up–and all because I’ve been working out every day and eating right! So, what better way that to share that journey with others!


August 2020 Commitment

Soooo, the first part of July was a bit rough health-wise. I feel like I was too busy to be healthy with food or exercise.

But, I started back on my diet in mid-July and have been going strong ever since! I’m hoping for the best for August!


Food Goals

So, I’m currently doing the Trim Healthy Mama diet. For those of you that aren’t familiar with it, well… If you’re aware of how Keto works–few carbs, balanced fat and protein; Trim Healthy Mama works like that…half the time. 🙂

I can eat two types of meals on this diet. The “S” or satisfying meals, that follow the tenants (pretty much of Keto). No sugar, no carbs, with veggies and protein.

The “E”, or energizing meals are low-fat meals. I can have a decent amount of (healthy) carbohydrates with very little fat in these meals. All with protein and veggies.

There’s a little more to it that all this, but that’s basically it. I can switch back and forth between these two meals, with some “Fuel Pull” meals to help boost my weight loss; that’s where I basically have very little fat and carbs in a meal. 🙂

I love this diet. It has always worked well in the past…Until I go off! 🙂

Exercise Goals

I’m still walking five days a week with my kids. My goal this month is to get up to two miles a day on these walks–either with the kids or without.

Spiritual Goals

I’ve been doing bible reading every day. But, it’s easy to do that when you’re doing a group bible study with your girlfriends. 😉 With three other ladies, I’m doing the Experiencing God study.


Anyone else trying to be more healthy in 2020? What are your goals?