Book Blogger Hop: April 17-23

Posted April 17, 2020 by Christine in Book Blogger Hop / 4 Comments /


Book Blogger Hop: April 17-23

The Book Blogger Hop was originally created by Jennifer @ Crazy-For-Books in March 2010 and ended on December 31, 2012. With Jennifer’s permission, Billy Burgess from Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer relaunched the hop on February 15, 2013. Each week the hop will start on a Friday and end the following Thursday. There will be a weekly prompt featuring a book related question. The hop’s purpose is to give bloggers a chance to follow other blogs, learn about new books, befriend other bloggers, and receive new followers to your own blog.



Well, I have a running list going–on paper, the old-fashioned way–of books that I’ve committed to reviewing; ARCs, books from authors, blog tour review book, etc… I have a date next to each title of when the review is due, and read in that order. If I have a little time between reviews, I usually pick something that I want to read on my TBR shelf or some rereads that I love. 🙂




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