Top Ten(Seven) Tuesday: Things I’d Have at My Bookish Party

Posted May 5, 2020 by Christine in top 10 / 13 Comments /


Top Ten(Seven) Tuesday: Things I'd Have at My Bookish Party

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

Well, this is a fun topic! And how fun would it be to actually have a bookish party?!


Honestly, what the heck kind of party is it if there isn’t any food?? I mean… I’m trying to eat more healthy these days but for the sake of a party I’d have ALLLLLL the things. Doughnuts, chips, cookies, cake… And now I’m wishing I wasn’t dieting.



I could probably get really creative with this one. I used to throw all four of my kids a birthday party every year. And each party had to have different decorations. I’m thinking a book-related party would be really fun to decorate!



So my oldest friend and I would have sleepovers when we were about 8 or 9 and we would, literally, just sit on her bed and read. It must’ve been pretty boring for any other girls who tagged along… But, she and I would just read our Babysitter’s Club books for HOURS.

So, I’m not even a little bit adverse to reading at a party. In fact, if you’re smart you’ll always have a book on you just in case you need it.



What better way to party than with the people who actually write the books?? I mean, I’m sure I could sit and talk to some of my favorite authors for HOURS.



Please don’t judge… but, this little introvert sometimes needs some social lubricant. It’s fine… Also, I’m way more fun with some (white)rum and Cokes. And if you haven’t tried a homemade adult punch…you are MISSING OUT.



Music… It makes the world go ’round. Well, that’s what they say anyway. But, seriously, I need some tunes to keep things lively!


7.Other Readers/Bloggers

I can’t imagine having a book party without inviting other book bloggers/readers. I can just imagine sitting around talking for hours about our favorites and finding other things we may have in common!

I know, I know…I’ve short-changed y’all. But, I couldn’t think of anything else! Let me know what you would want at a book party!

13 responses to “Top Ten(Seven) Tuesday: Things I’d Have at My Bookish Party

  1. RS

    First of all, if I end up at McDonald’s later today, I’m blaming you and that first gif. 😉

    Anyway, I love all your ideas. #3 is so cute — my best friend lived 30 miles away, so when we visited each other it was for a whole weekend, and we definitely spent some of our time just hanging out reading together.

    • Haha!! I know! I miss McDonald’s so stinkin’ much! So, you get the reading with your friends thing!

  2. I can imagine my bookish party would just be lots of people sitting around quietly reading, with occasional forays to make another pot of tea or replenish the snack table. I think I’d like the decor to be a range of big embroidered floor cushions and comfy low sofas. And everyone would need to wear booky clothing – not necessarily full book character fancy dress, but at least a author quote t-shirt 🙂
    Stephanie Jane (Literary Flits) recently posted…Free Thinker: Helen Hamilton Gardener by Kimberly A. HamlinMy Profile

  3. I always have, like, at least 1-2 books plus a Kindle plus a phone on me at all times because YOU NEVER KNOW, so I am 100% prepared for reading at any party. xD In fact, that’d be a highlight for me. It’d be super fun to have authors at a party, too. Or make a themed party around the author’s book and have them there. Sounds like a fun party to me!

    Here’s my TTT post.
    Sammie @ The Bookwyrm’s Den recently posted…Fantasy Characters I’d Invite to My Birthday Party (Ft. Much Drinking, Mayhem, and Probably Fire)My Profile

    • That is the BEST way to be! I have carried a big purse with me since I started having babies… And then my babies got big and I never stopped! So, I carry books and my Kindle around too!