The Acropolis: Review

Posted April 17, 2012 by Christine in 4.5/5, review / 0 Comments /


The Acropolis: Review
The Acropolis Published by CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform by R.K. Ryals
Series: Acropolis #1
on July 17, 2012
Genres: Fiction, Fantasy, YA, Paranormal, Romance
Pages: 196
Source: Purchased
Format: eBook
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ISBN: 1477623167
Rating:4.5 Stars

"We have a new assignment for you, Mr. Reinhardt."
These words are not comforting to me. At eighteen, I am a gargoyle who has been demoted because I broke the rules. Now I have a new mission, a new mark to protect. But I don't expect Emma Chase. I don't expect to question my own race. I don't expect to care for my own mark. And I am not prepared for what I find at The Acropolis.

 Never having read anything by Ms. Ryals before, I had NO idea what I was in for with this book! I hadn’t read her previous two books in the Redemption Series, that takes place in the same universe, and features some of the same characters as ACROPOLIS. I remember being told that I would enjoy this book anyway, and it is so true!
The beginning sucked me in quickly with the introduction of both Conor and Emma. Two VERY opposite people who meet in extrememly crazy circumstances. They seem an unlikely pair at first, however, I could tell right away that, although they were so different, there was something about their personalities that would just go well together. Emma with her sweetness and loyalty (masked under intense fear) and Conor with that same loyalty but a little bit of “experience” that I felt could help Emma adjust to her new “life”.

What I liked about the romantic aspect of this story, the most, is that even though Conor had to get over some of his previous prejudices just to accept WHAT Emma was, he actually becomes a much better gargoyle for it. And a better PERSON. He was already kind and a talented gargoyle but just opening up a little more made him even MORE so. And, in return, I think, knowing and caring for Conor, made Emma a stronger person. These two really did help to better each other.

I’m very much looking forward to the rest of this series and reading THE ACROPOLIS has inspired me to go out and get Ryals’ Redemption Series, as well.

About R.K. Ryals

R.K. Ryals is the author of emotional and gripping young adult and new adult paranormal romance, contemporary romance, and fantasy. With a strong passion for charity and literacy, she works as a full time writer encouraging people to "share the love of reading one book at a time." An avid animal lover and self-proclaimed coffee-holic, R.K. Ryals was born in Jackson, Mississippi and makes her home in the Southern U.S. with her husband, her three daughters, a rescue dog named Oscar the Grouch, A Shitzsu named Tinkerbell, an OCD cat, and a coffee pot she honestly couldn't live without. Should she ever become the owner of a fire-breathing dragon (tame of course), her life would be complete.