Tea & a Chat: Why I Read Romance

Posted March 8, 2020 by Christine in Tea & a Chat / 8 Comments /


Tea & a Chat: Why I Read Romance

Welcome to my new feature, Tea and a Chat! Where I share with you my (mostly) book-related thoughts, and what kind of tea I’m drinking!


Novel Teas, English Breakfast Tea in my Owlcrate Exclusive Harry Potter mug


Today, I’m talking about why I read romance.

Here’s the thing; I feel like sometimes the romance genre gets a bad rap. When people think “romance” they think ripped bodices, kinky sex scenes, and shallow story lines. But, to me, romance is like anything else where you’ll have the good and the bad.

Are there some books that are not quite as deep and may just be there for shock value? Absolutely. And you know what? Those books have their place. After all, people love the romance genre. According to Statista, romance was the second-highest selling genre, in 2018; not far off in sales of suspense/thrillers. But, if you think about the fact that 84% of romance readers are just women–that’s pretty impressive.


So, what’s driving myself, and women all over to pick up romance novels?

Well, for me, personally (and I get a lot of crap for this from the husband), I enjoy stories that aren’t too stressful and keep me guessing too much. I much prefer stories that drive me emotionally, in the context of caring about their personal lives. Things that aren’t too “life-and-death”. But, when it comes to stressing over who-dunnits and are-they-going-to-get-out-of-there-alive–I’m so picky. Y’all, one of my favorite shows is Homeland, but I, for real, need about an hour to decompress when it’s over.

Thriller movies? Yeah, I need my phone in hand. I just. can’t. handle. the. stress. I’m a wuss.


The other reason that I love romances is because it’s an escape. Pretty much the same reason I watch movies. Sometimes, you just want to shut your mind off and focus on something else. Something that doesn’t really matter. And what’s better than a story that you know will more-than-likely have some swoon-worthy moments and end in a happily-ever-after?

Again, I get that these are things that may turn people away from romance. Which is why, I guess, you’ve got thriller and suspense novels doing so well. To each their own, I say.

But, can we please agree to not judge those who actually love romance? After all, there are some seriously great romance reads out there that are underrated.

And let’s not forget that romance is a genre that can include many other sub-genres. You never know, if you’re not a romance reader now–there just may be something out there that you’d like!


Please let me know what you think! How do you feel about the romance genre?



8 responses to “Tea & a Chat: Why I Read Romance

  1. I absolutely agree with the idea (fact), that there are good and bad books in any genre. With that said, I nodded along with many of the reasons why you read romance. Like you, I want my entertainment to serve as an escape. I also need that little lift, and a true to the genre romance will have that HEA that I need. I can get through any of the bumps and bruises my characters suffer along the way, because I KNOW an HEA is waiting for me at the end
    Sam@wlabb recently posted…Isn’t It Romantic?My Profile

  2. I really love low key, make me happy romances. Especially the past year or so.

    The thing with romance though is that there is so much variety out there that I’m sure there’s something for everyone. And, like you said, there’s good and bad in every genre.

    Karen @ For What It’s Worth

  3. I love romance novels and I live for the HEAs. Life is horrible enough sometimes without reading a book that’s going to make me miserable or provide a case of the creeps… I want escape!
    People need to just let people like what they like and be happy without trying to make them feel bad about it, you know?
    Nicci @ Sunny Buzzy Books recently posted…Weekly Update #103My Profile

    • I really couldn’t agree more!!! I feel like books need to be my escape, not something that stresses me out as much as everything else! 😉

  4. I absolutely LOVED this post Christine! I’m an avid romance reader, and you surmised exactly why I like the genre as well. I love to just escape into a world where the stakes are low (at least, in comparison to thrillers and suspense!) and get emotionally invested in a relationship! I work at a bookstore, so I always find myself defending the genre to some more “high-brow” customers, as if some classics aren’t romances!
    Genni @ Ready, Set, Read! recently posted…10 Feel Good Reads to Ease Your AnxietyMy Profile

    • Thank you, Genni! I’m so glad you could relate!
      AH! Working at a bookstore is exactly what I’d be doing if I wasn’t a stay-at-home!
      It’s great knowing there are more out there like me who are championing for the romance genre!