Starting Over at Acorn Cottage: Review

Posted January 19, 2020 by Christine in 5/5, review / 0 Comments /


Starting Over at Acorn Cottage: Review
Starting Over at Acorn Cottage Published by Aria by Kate Forster
on March 19, 2020
Genres: British Literature, Contemporary, Fiction, Romance, Women's Fiction
Format: ARC, eBook
Find the Book: Amazon

Flame Rating:three-flames
Rating:5 Stars

Buying a thatched cottage in the country may not be the usual cure for a broken heart.
But after Clara Maxwell finds out her boyfriend and best friend have been sneaking around behind her back, packing her bags and leaving everything in London behind feels like the only option...
Clara knew Acorn Cottage would be a fixer-upper... Yet in person, the cottage is less charmingly ramshackle and more a real health and safety concern. When Henry Garnett, her (rather handsome) new contractor, turns up with his little daughter Pansy and a van shaped like a cottage in tow, she isn't sure whether to laugh or cry. What on earth has she gotten herself into?!
Still, there is something strangely lovable about the people in the little village of Merryknowe, from Rachel Brown, the quiet, lonely girl who bakes magical confections for the tearooms, to Tassie McIver, a little old lady with a lot of wisdom and a penchant for reading tea leaves. And Clara can't deny that Henry and Pansy are quickly worming their way into her heart...
With all the heartbreak of the year behind her, could Acorn Cottage be the fresh start Clara so desperately wants?

Every once in a while I read a book that I have the most difficult time putting down. It consumes me and sucks me into its chapters and prose to the point where I have to force myself to be a productive member of my household and actually function. And then, comes the moment when I realize that it’s over. Not only is it over, but the ending has left me so satisfied that I wish there were more pages to explore.

Kate Forster managed to accomplish all that with this book.

From page one, I felt like I was truly invested in Clara’s story. She is the kind of heroine one can really root for. You hope good things for her and cheer her on throughout the story. And when you see obstacles for her, well, it kind of leads to an anxiety that all will go well in the end–even though you’re pretty sure it will.

I absolutely adore stories that not only tell a narrative of people’s lives, but also are so rich with the setting that I more than anything wish I could visit these quaint, amazing, little places.

The small town of Merryknowe, and all it’s quirky inhabitants tell an amazing story of friendship, strength, courage, and moving beyond a traumatic past into a beautiful future.

This really is one heck of a story.