Review: The Brotherhood of Piaxia by Michael Drakich

Posted July 3, 2012 by Christine in review / 4 Comments /


Title: The Brotherhood of Piaxia
Author: Michael Drakich
Pub. Date: Mar. 15, 2012
Acquired: From author, for an honest review.
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Years have passed since the overthrow of the monarchy by the Brotherhood of Warlocks and they rule Piaxia in peaceful accord. But now forces are at work to disrupt this rule from outside the Brotherhood as well as within! Follow Tarlok, Savan and Tessia as their paths intertwine, with the Brotherhood in pursuit and the powerful merchant’s guild manipulating the populace for their own end.

It seems that I’ve been reading quite a few fantasy books recently, and I’m not able to remember why I ever stopped.

The Brotherhood of Piaxia is all about warring wizards, lost royalty, and setting things right. There are many characters in this story, but all of them play a special part in the grand scheme. Even with all the varied characters, I never had a problem keeping track of the story and what was going on.

The only drawback I found was the slightly slow build-up to the real meat of the story. During this build-up I know there is a lot of story-building and helping the reader understand each of the characters and their motives, but at times I found myself getting distracted.

Once I reached the middle of the story, however, I was lost…In a good way. I couldn’t wait to find out how all of the intrigue would play out.

If you love fantasy that mixes magic, lost royalty, sacrifices, heroes, and strong characters, I would suggest The Brotherhood of Piaxia.

My Rating:

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