Review: Loving Liberty by Belinda Boring

Posted April 22, 2014 by Christine in 3/5 / 0 Comments /


Loving Liberty

Author: Belinda Boring
Pub. Date: July 13, 2013
Acquired: From author or publisher, in exchange for an honest review.
Find “Loving Liberty”: Amazon | B&N

Liberty Montgomery is many things:

A dutiful daughter.
Perfect wife-in-training.
Easy to manipulate.

But secretly she wants more.

For years, Liberty has dreamed of a life filled with opportunities—a life where she makes the decisions, living by her own rules. Unfortunately, her parents have other plans for her, ones that involve her submission and total obedience. Every attempt to break free from their control is met with threats, leaving her feeling trapped. Just when all seems hopeless, Liberty meets Oliver Nichols. With just two words, be brave, he stirs up her secret longings for more . . . friendship, fun, and independence. He almost has her believing her dreams are possible. However, taking a stand can be terrifying when you’ve spent your entire life pleasing others.

Are some chances worth taking? What would she risk for freedom?

~My Review~

I’ve been gearing up for this review for a couple of days, now. To be honest, this is probably one of the hardest reviews that I’ve had to write. It’s crazy. So, I decided that it’s always best to end on a positive note. With that said, I’m just going to dive right in to the things about this story that I didn’t like. Here goes!

I have never, in my entire life, disliked a main character so much. I don’t even think that I have words to express how much I disliked Liberty. To be fair, I knew what I was getting with her. I mean, it’s not like I wasn’t warned. Right there, in the description of the book are words like “dutiful”, “compliant”, “submission”, and “hopeless”.
So, if you think that–for one moment–this synopsis is exaggerating–you may need to brace yourself.

I am not, in any way, one of those women who feels like I should never answer to anybody. Or, I shouldn’t respect my parents even though I’m an adult. My mother can still make me feel ten-years-old if she wants to and I gave her grandbabies, darn it!
However, there comes a time in a person’s life when they need to sack up, grow up, and start making their own decisions.
I also understand that some people, even in real life, have difficulties with this concept. Those people actually exist, I get that.
But, reading Liberty’s story made me want to shake someone. Anyone. Or maybe slap someone. I’m really not a violent person, either. She brought it out in me.

The kind of abuse that Liberty subjects herself to and allows to happen to her is abominable.
At the same time, I get that this is what the story was about. A twenty-something young lady who has to decide to be a grown-up and do what she wants. To live her life. Get a job. Have some friends. Pick her own boyfriend. That’s not too much to ask, right?

I’ll stop here at my decimation of Liberty. I’m going to talk about what I did enjoy.

Ms. Boring knows how to write. She knows how to stir emotions and incite feelings. She is extremely talented. There wasn’t one moment when I felt like Ms. Boring was lacking in her skills. This author has talent.

She wrote one of the most saintly characters I’ve ever read, for one. Oliver, who ends up “loving Liberty”, puts up with so much that I seriously was rooting him to find someone else. If a man like this actually existed and I wasn’t already married, I’d want to swipe him up. Good heavens, what a great guy!

The end of this book was also very pleasant. I got my happy ending. I needed it.
My only other gripe is that it came too late. I wish I had more to help redeem Liberty for me. Because that last chapter and epilogue–as well done as it was–wasn’t enough to make me appreciate the pain I went through with Liberty.

I will say, this won’t be the only book by Ms. Boring that I read. I’m eager to see what she can do with a main character that I can love.

~My Rating~

~About the Author~

A homesick Aussie living amongst the cactus and mountains of Arizona, Belinda Boring is a self proclaimed addict of romance and all things swoon worthy. When she’s not devouring her latest read, you can find her celebrating her passion for books on her blog The Bookish Snob.

With all that excitement, it wasn’t long before she began writing, pouring her imagination and creativity into the stories she dreams. Whether urban fantasy, paranormal romance or romance in general, Belinda strives to share great plots with heart and characters that you can’t help but connect with. Of course, she wouldn’t be Belinda without adding heroes she hopes will curl your toes.

Surrounded by a supportive cast of family, friends and the man she gives her heart and soul to, Belinda is living the good life. Happy reading!