Deathly | Review

Posted June 18, 2022 by Christine in 4/5, review / 3 Comments /


Deathly | Review
Deathly: The Dillon Sisters Published by Brynne Asher by Brynne Asher
Series: The Dillon Sisters #1
on April 20, 2021
Genres: Abuse, Contemporary, Crime, Dark, Family & Relationships, Mystery, Romance, Suspense
Pages: 315
Source: Kindle Unlimited
Format: eBook
Find the Author: Facebook, Goodreads
Also by this author: Vines
Find the Book: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

Flame Rating:four-flames
Rating:4 Stars

I’m a fraud. Or an imposter. I’m certainly a hypocrite.
I offer advice for a living. Encourage my patients to make wise decisions—help them help themselves to walk through life stronger, healthier, happier.
Isn’t that the goal? To live our best lives?
If only I practiced what I preach.
I wasn’t always like this. Every move I make lately is the opposite of smart. These questionable life choices are a new development.
They started the day a certain Vitale barged into my life.
Brand Vitale might look like a hero to the rest of the world, but looks can be deceiving.
I’m driven by obsession for a man who’s turning out to be dark, dangerous, and downright depraved.
And I don’t care.
Because, sometimes, depraved, debauched—hell, or even deathly—is the only option.

This book was a gift that I just kept unwrapping. Almost like Russian nesting dolls… You get one and inside is another… and another… and another.

So I like to try really hard to figure out where a book is going as I’m reading it. I honestly do this with movies too. It drives my husband mad. He’s like, “You should really just enjoy it and stop trying to solve it all.” But that’s part of the fun!

The story starts at a fundraiser. It’s actually a charity auction where you can bid on a firefighter and a puppy. Aria goes, which is completely out of character for her. She’s the type that likes to avoid situations like this.

There, she meets a dark, broody firefighter named Brand.

At first Aria really just wants the puppy and not her date with Brand. But he really doesn’t give her much choice.

And that’s…pretty much the story. Brand takes control of Aria in a way that she honestly really needed. And let me just say this–there is still so much left to this story.

I couldn’t see what was happening. I couldn’t predict the turn of events. I had no clue. And that usually doesn’t happen to me.

But I enjoyed the ride so much.



About Brynne Asher

USA Today Bestselling Author Brynne Asher. Writer of romance. Lover of caffeine and cocktails.

Brynne lives in the Midwest with her husband, three children, and her perfect dog. When she isn't creating pretend people and drama, she's running her kids around and doing laundry. Brynne thrives on skincare and online shopping while being fabulous in her favorite ratty pajamas.

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