Crazy for You: Blog Tour & Giveaway

Posted March 27, 2017 by Christine in Blog Tour, giveaway / 1 Comment /

She’s taking a walk on HIS wild side!

A Risking It All Novel
Rachel Lacey
Releasing March 28, 2017
“Rachel Lacey is a sure-fire
star.” — Lori Wilde, New York Times bestselling author


Emma Rush
can’t remember a time when she didn’t have a thing for Ryan Blake. Haven’s
resident bad boy is just so freakin’ hot-with tattoos, a motorcycle, and enough
rough-around-the-edges sexiness to melt all her self-control. Now that Emma’s
over being a “good girl,” she needs a little help being naughty . . .
and she knows just where to start.
Emma’s brother enlisted in the military, he made Ryan promise that he would
protect her from everything–including himself. When her brother doesn’t come
home, Ryan needs to turn his screwed-up life around to honor his pledge. But he
knows he’s still not the right kind of guy for someone as sweet as Emma. Only
he can’t stop wanting to be with her. Wanting her. Falling in love with a good
girl may be the craziest risk this bad boy can take . . . 

is a
contemporary romance author and semi-reformed travel junkie. She’s been climbed
by a monkey on a mountain in Japan, gone scuba diving on the Great Barrier
Reef, and camped out overnight in New York City for a chance to be an extra in
a movie. These days, the majority of her adventures take place on the pages of
the books she writes. She lives in warm and sunny North Carolina with her
husband, son, and a variety of rescue pets.

Don’t miss any of the Risking It All Romances!

Author Q & A

What did you enjoy most about writing this book?
I loved writing all the fun, adventurous things Ryan and Emma did together in CRAZY FOR YOU – rock climbing, cliff jumping, motorcycle rides, etc. They were so much fun to write, and it was the perfect balance to some of the heavier themes in the book. These two characters really bring out the best in each other, constantly pushing each other out of their comfort zones.

If you had a theme song, what would it be?
Dream On by Aerosmith – “Dream until your dreams come true!”

           Name one thing you won’t leave home without.
Chapstick! I have a weird obsession with it.

A la Twitter style, please describe your book in 140 characters or less.
Contemporary Romance Author. Wife. Mother. Animal Lover & Rescue Advocate. Hufflepuff. Powered by wine, chocolate, and books!

 If you could have dinner with any three authors (alive or dead), who would you choose and why?
First, JK Rowling because she is a literary genius and a fierce feminist, and I’d love to chat with her about anything and everything. Next, Mary Higgins Clark because she was my very first “favorite author,” and I’d love to thank her for that. And of course Nora Roberts because she is my hero and gives great advice. All three of these ladies have inspired me so much, and I would love to just soak up all the knowledge they could impart.

What are your favorite types of stories to read?
My favorite books make me laugh *and* cry. I want ALL THE FEELS while I’m reading!

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